Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

3.1 - Discussion Before and After Deregulation

3.1 - Discussion Before and After Deregulation

Q Post your team assignment from last week On the first day of the module week designate one member of your team to: • Make a post with a brief summary of your defense from last week's team activity • Attach your team's artifact and defense essay submitted in Activity 2.2. • Include your team's number and name in the post. Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria. Engage in Discussion Each individual student is to respond to one other team's posting (preferable the opposing defense) and debate the rationale of your team's position. Be persuasive and use research for credibility. When responding, use terminology from course materials and cite related references, where applicable. Each response should be in your own words, grammatically sound, and free of spelling errors. Finally, remember to post early enough in the week to allow others the opportunity to respond to your posting.

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I think that the argument from an overall point of view is substantial and influential from your team members against deregulation. However, the customized/optional services and facilities to the customers are elements for which there had been prices of air tickets kept at extremely inflated high rates by the American government. There are air travelers who have an average capability or affordability in comparison with the air travelers possessing high buying power to buy air tickets at highly inflated prices.